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You haven't reached out in ages and you only get in touch when you need something from us

Nu m-ai sunat de o vesnicie si vii la mine doar cand ai nevoie.

Tactical Empathy is the best way to relate to the need behind the objection: I imagine how you felt when because I know how much an authentic relationship means to you.

Honesty, admitting mistakes, accomplishes the customer's need for authenticity: Indeed, we have not managef to be as close to you as you needed us to be.

The Strategic Compliment acknowledges the need behind the need: I really appreciate your honesty and the fact that you were so open in your feedback


Empatia tactica este cel mai bun mod de a relationa cu nevoia din spatele obiectiei: Imi imaginez cum v-ati simtit cand nu v-am sunat, stiu cat de mult conteaza o relatie autentica pentru dvs.

Onestitatea, recunoasterea greselilor, indeplineste nevoia clientului de autenticitate: Intr-adevar, nu am reusit sa fiu asa de aproape de dumneavoastra cum am promis.

Complimentul strategic ofera recunoastere pentru nevoia din spatele nevoii, detensioneza pentru ca raspunde pozitiv unei situatii negative: Apreciez foarte mult sinceritatea dvs si ca ati fost atat de uman si deschis cu noi de fiecare data.

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