It seems like you want to make decisions for us
Pare ca voi vreti sa luati decizii in locul meu.
Alternatives offer the customer freedom of choice: Our intention was to offer you alternatives, so that you can decide what suits you. Of course, you have all the freedom to decide that these options do not suit you.
Consistency activates the customer's desire to make decisions according to their own needs/statements/values, to not be influenced by others: I understand your perception, the reason why we recommended these solutions is that they offer the exact benefits you said you wanted
Long Term-Short Term helps the customer manifest their decision-making power, balancing the implications: In the short term, these options may look restrictive, but in the long term, they serve your goals.
Alternativele ofera clientului spatiu autonom de alegere: Intentia noastra a fost sa va oferim alernative, asa incat sa decideti in mod autonom ce vi se potriveste. Desigur, dvs aveti toata libertatea si sa decideti ca nu vi se potriveste o anumita optiune.
Consecventa cu sine activeaza dorinta clientului de a lua decizii in conformitate cu propriile nevoi/declaratii/valori, de a fi coerent cu sine nu influentat de altii: Inteleg perceptia dvs, motivul pentru care noi v-am recomandat aceste solutii este ca va ofera exact beneficiile pe care ne-ati spus ca le doriti.
Termen lung termen scurt il ajuta pe client sa isi exercite puterea de decizie, punand in balanta implicatiile: Pe termen scurt, sunt intr-adevar cateva etape de urmat care pot parea limitative, insa pe termen lung, pe termen lung, va serveste exact obiectivelor dvs.