We've already seen all this, I don't know what you can offer that is really new.
Noi deja le-am facut pe toate, nu stiu ce ne puteti oferi nou.
The Strategic Compliment fulfills the customer's need for respect and recognition: It is amazing that you are up to date about everything on the market.
The Loss is about the customer's need not to miss opportunities that strengthen their prestige: Precisely because you are such a good judge of quality, it would be a shame to miss the chance of an innovation.
Social Pressure activates the customer's need for competitiveness: We understand your need for something new; what I can tell you is that the biggest players in the field are moving towards the same direction and you can be one step ahead of the market.
Complimentul strategic raspunde nevoii clientului de stima/recunoasterea unicitatii: Dvs chiar vi se potrivesc lucrurile speciale, e foarte bine ca sunteti la curent cu tot ce exista pe piata
PIerderea se leaga de nevoia clientului de a nu rata oportunitati care ii consolideaza prestigiul: Tocmai pentru ca sunteti la curent cu ceea ce exista, e pacat sa ratati sansa unei inovatii.
Presiunea sociala activeaza nevoia de competitivitate a clientului: Intelegem nevoia dvs de ceva special, ce pot eu sa va spun este ca deja cei mai mari jucatori din domeniu se misca in aceasta directie si asa puteti sa fiti cu un pas inaintea pietei