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You seem to ignore what I tell you and give me what you want instead of what suits me.

Pare ca ignorati ce va spun si imi dati ce doriti voi, nu ce mi se potriveste mie.

Alternatives offer the customer freedom of choice: I understand your preferences, here are the alternatives we can offer for you to choose (or not choose from). The choice is completely up to you.

Consistency activates the customer's desire to make decisions according to their own needs/statements/values, to not be influenced by others: I understand your perception, the reason why we recommended these solutions is because they offer you exactly the benefits you said you wanted.

The Helicopter calms the customer's emotional reaction and expands their perspective, inviting them to rationally analyze the situation: I understand your need for a personal decision, let's look at what we can accomplish together so that you can make the most informed decision.

Alternativele ofera clientului spatiu autonom de alegere: Inteleg ca va doriti ceva ce vi se potriveste, iata ce alternative putem oferi, dvs puteti alege una dintre ele, si, desigur, aveti libertatea de a nu alege. Decizia va apartine.

Consecventa cu sine activeaza dorinta clientului de a lua decizii in conformitate cu propriile nevoi/declaratii/valori, de a fi coerent cu sine nu influentat de altii: Inteleg perceptia dvs, motivul pentru care noi v-am recomandat aceste solutii este ca va ofera exact beneficiile pe care ne-ati spus ca le doriti.

Elicopterul calmeaza reactia emotionala a clientului si largeste perspectiva, invitand clientul la o analiza rationala, in perspectiva: Inteleg nevoia dvs de decizie personala, haideti sa vedem in ansamblu ce putem realiza, asa incat sa puteti lua cea mai informata decizie.

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