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I would have preferred to meet in person, before sending us a quote

Mi-as fi dorit sa ne cunoastem personal inainte sa imi faci o propunere comerciala.

Honesty, admitting your own errors, accomplishes the customer's need for authenticity: Indeed, I didn't manage to reach you as I would have liked, and as it would have been preferable.

The Strategic Compliment acknowledges the need behind the need, also unwindes because it offers a positive response to a negative situation: I really apreciate your honesty in giving me ttheir feedback, it helps me a lot.

3 Advantages - 1 Disadvantage wins customer's trust through transparency: Let's honestly point out what has worked well and what hasn't, in our relationship so far. With us, your 3 main advantages are response speed, flexibility and customization. Indeed, one shortcoming is that we work remotely.

Onestitatea, recunoasterea greselilor, indeplineste nevoia clientului de autenticitate: Intr-adevar, nu am reusit sa ajung la dvs asa cum mi-as fi dorit si asa cum ar fi fost de preferat.

Complimentul strategic ofera recunoastere pentru nevoia din spatele nevoii, detensioneza pentru ca raspunde pozitiv unei situatii negative: Apreciez foarte mult sinceritatea cu care imi oferiti acest feedback, ma ajuta mult.

3 avantaje - un dezavantaj castiga increderea clientului prin transparenta: Haideti sa punctam onest ce a functionat bine si ce nu in relatia cu dvs pana acum. Cele 3 avantaje principale pentru dvs ale colaborarii cu noi sunt viteza de raspuns, flexibilitatea si personalizarea. Intr-adevar, un neajuns este faptul ca lucram de la distanta.

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