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The amount of this unjustified charge doesn't matter, it's the principle that counts.

Nu conteaza suma, conteaza principiul.

Honesty, admitting your own errors, accomplishes the customer's need for objective truth: There were indeed situations in which additional costs existed.

The Helicopter calms the emotional reaction of the customer, inviting them to a rational analysis, in perspective: Let's analyze the conditions you enjoy and the calculation mode/collaboration principles.

The Strategic Compliment acknowledges the need behind the need, also unwindes because it offers a positive response to a negative situation: I admire your concern for Equity and your ethic / You are an example of solide business values.

Onestitatea, recunoasterea propriilor erori, indeplineste nevoia clientului de adevar obiectiv: Au existat intr-adevar situatii in care au existat comisioane suplimentare

Elicopterul calmeaza reactia emotionala a clientului si largeste perspectiva, invitand clientul la o analiza rationala, in perspectiva: Haideti sa analizam in ansamblu conditiile de care va bucurati si modul de calcul/principiile de colaborare

Complimentul strategic ofera recunoastere pentru nevoia din spatele nevoii, detensioneza pentru ca raspunde pozitiv unei situatii negative: Este de admirat grija dumneavoastra pentru corectitudine si etica dvs / Sunteti un exemplu valori solide in business.

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