I don't understand why the process is so complicated and why I need to make so much effort
Nu inteleg de ce este atat de complicat procesul si de ce trebuie sa fac atatea eforturi
Long Term-Short Term helps the customer manifest their decision-making power, balancing the implications: In the short term, there are, indeed, a few steps to follow, but in the long term, you will enjoy the benefits you want, efortlessly.
Consistency activates the customer's desire to make decisions according to their own needs/statements/values, and not be swayed by others: I understand your perception,in the previous conversation you told us you want the best quality and thiis the process that guarantees it.
Value Reprioritization is a way in which we enable this autonomous customer to make choices: It is completely your decision if you want to dedicate some personal time to get your desired solution. It's your decision what you prioritize now, the amount of effort invested or the final goal.
Termen lung termen scurt il ajuta pe client sa isi exercite puterea de decizie, punand in balanta implicatiile: Pe termen scurt, sunt intr-adevar mai multi pasi de urmat, insa pe termen lung, veti avea toate beneficiile dorite, fara efort/va fi simplu.
Consecventa cu sine activeaza dorinta clientului de a lua decizii in conformitate cu propriile nevoi/declaratii/valori, de a fi coerent cu sine nu influentat de altii: Inteleg perceptia dvs, ne-ati spus in conversatia anterioara ca va doriti cel mai bun rezultat, iar acest proces exact, desi complicat, va garanteaza cel mai bun rezultat.
Reprioritizarea valorilor este un mod prin care il punem pe clientul autonom fata in fata cu sine, cu propriile valori: Este doar decizia dvs daca doriti sa alocati un timp personal, ca sa obtineti exact solutia dorita. E decizia dvs ce prioritizati acum, efortul investit sau tinta finala.