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You tried to push onto us things we don't need.

Ati incercat sa imi impingeti lucruri de care eu nu am nevoie.

Alternatives offer the customer freedom of choice: Our intention was to offer you alternatives, so that you can decide what suits you. You also have the option of not choosing any of the options.

Values Reprioritization is a way to enable the customer to make authentic choices: Our intention is to offer you the best options for business growth. It is up to you to decide whethere you want to prioritize small steps or bigger moves.

Short Term - Long Term helps the customer manifest their decision-making power, balancing the implications: On the short term, indeed, we proposed several steps, but we did it because, on the long term, these steps guarantee achieving your target.

Alternativele ofera clientului spatiu autonom de alegere: Intentia noastra a fost sa va oferim alernative, asa incat sa decideti in mod autonom ce vi se potriveste. Desigur, dvs aveti toata libertatea si sa decideti ca nu vi se potriveste o anumita optiune.

Reprioritizarea valorilor este un mod prin care il punem pe clientul autonom fata in fata cu sine, cu propriile valori: Intentia noastra a fost doar sa va oferim cele mai bune optiuni pentru cresterea afacerii. Desigur, e decizia dvs ce e mai important in acest moment: pasii mici sau un plan strategic de crestere.

Termen lung termen scurt il ajuta pe client sa isi exercite puterea de decizie, punand in balanta implicatiile: Pe termen scurt, intr-adevar, noi am propus mai multi pasi, insa am facut acest lucru pentru ca, pe termen lung, acesti pasi va garanteaza atingerea tintei dvs.

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