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We prefer working with people we already know.

Preferam sa lucram cu oameni pe care deja ii stim.

Tactical Empathy is the best way to relate to the need behind the objection: I understand trust matters to you and it already exists with people you've worked before.

Social Pressure encourages the customer to look at other people from the field, people who matter for them/her: I understand what you're saying, we already work with / we've already helped professionals from the biggest companies in your field, they gave us their trust.

The Helicopter calms the emotional reaction of the customer, inviting them to a rational analysis, in perspective: Let's analyze what you obtain by working with us, as a whole, so that you decide if you give us your trust for a first collaboration.

Empatia tactica este cel mai bun mod de a relationa cu nevoia din spatele obiectiei: Inteleg ca pentru dumneavoastra conteaza increderea, iar increderea exista deja cu oamenii cu care ati mai lucrat.

Presiunea sociala il incurajeaza pe client sa se raporteze la alti oameni din domeniu, oameni care conteaza pentru el/ea: Inteleg ce ne spuneti, noi lucram deja cu / noi am ajutat deja profesionisti din cele mai mari companii din sectorul dvs, ei ne-au acordat increderea lor.

Elicopterul calmeaza reactia emotionala a clientului si largeste perspectiva, invitand clientul la o analiza rationala, in perspectiva: Haideti sa analizam in ansamblu ce obtineti lucrand cu noi, asa incat dvs sa luati o decizie daca merita sa ne acordati increderea dvs pentru o prima colaborare.

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