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I don't find it normal that the initial offer should differ from the final one

Nu mi se pare normal ca oferta initiala sa fie diferita de cea finala.

Honesty, admitting your own errors, accomplishes the customer's need for objective truth: I understand, there is, indeed, a difference of...between the initial offer and the final one.

3 Advantages - 1 Disadvantage answers the customer's need for a balanced thinking and, at the same time, denotes transparency: Indeed, you corectly observed the difference, let's recap: with us, you have 3 main advantages: ...On the other hand, there is a risk that the final offer modifies because of...

The Strategic Compliment acknowledges the need behind the need, also unwindes because it offers a positive response to a negative situation: I appreciate your concern for Equity / fair play/ consistency, you're an example of transparency.

Onestitatea, recunoasterea propriilor erori, indeplineste nevoia clientului de adevar obiectiv: Inteleg, se observa intr-adevar o diferenta de...intre oferta initiala si cea finala

3 avantaje - un dezavantaj raspunde nevoi clientului de gandire echilibrata si in acelasi timp denota transparenta: Intr-adevar ati observat corect diferenta, haideti sa recapitulam: cu noi aveti 3 avantaje principale, si anume...Pe de alta parte, exista riscul ca oferta finala sa se modifice din cauza...

Complimentul strategic ofera recunoastere pentru nevoia din spatele nevoii, detensioneza pentru ca raspunde pozitiv unei situatii negative: Apreciez grija dumneavoastra pentru corectitudine / fair play/ consecventa, sunteti un exemplu de transparenta

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